Sunday, June 10, 2012

Kade eating big boy food

Kade started eating some rice cereal every few days about two weeks ago, and he really likes it. After every bite he smiles and says "mmmm!!" He's not very good at eating though, mostly I have to coax him to pay attention to stop yelling at the ceiling or squeeling at the cat or rubbing cereal in his hair. I dunno how much he actually swallows. For his 6 month birthday I wanted to start him on actual veggie food, so I got a few jars of different kinds and Andy lined it up in front of Kade and he picked squash... 
He's very excited to dig in!
Good news was that he loved it! He ate them all up. And he temporarily died his eyebrows orange in the process... So relieved that we've started the solid food process on a good note. Pretty soon I'd like to start making my own baby food, once he's tried a few things and I know what he'll eat. 

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